An Introduction.jpg

Something happened to me at the park for which there are no words, but I have the feeling nothing in my life will ever be the same...

I was walking at a park near my home just after a rain shower when it happened.  As I walked, everything around me was infused with a presence (to call it God seems entirely inadequate, yet I know of nothing that could capture it,) and I too experienced it welling up within me.  When it peaked, any sense that I was separate from the world around me - the ground, the grass, the sky, the puddles of water I softly trod through, the trees and the birds chirping from their perches upon them - was utterly subsumed with an undeniable perception (not a thought or belief, but a sensation) that a single life, a conscious being or consciousness itself, undergirds everything.  The power of this reality was so compelling, so absolute, that the material discreteness, the separateness of individual things in their gross temporality, seemed utterly trivial in comparison.

I returned home once the experience subsided, and that's where I am now: sitting on the back porch, dumbfounded, fumbling for words, for comprehension, for implications.  I haven't given God much thought in quite a long time, and the incredible fact I lost my faith exactly five years ago to the day hasn't escaped my attention.  I have no idea what to do with that fact, but what I experienced today is beyond me - beyond me and has taken hold of me.  All my rational argumentation, the weighing of evidence, and alternative, rational explanations - all of it - has no power in the face of what I've just witnessed.  I've no idea where this will lead, but I'm going to find out.

So to you, The One who just introduced themselves to me in the park:  I have absolutely no idea who you are, but you have my attention.