I find myself in a strange place.  Do I dare say the cumulative weight of the past few years has done its work?  I was walking in the hills yesterday, when I realized I had crossed over into a sort of freedom, a new awareness unshackled from any of my old desires. 

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Brian Hall

Come to me, my love; I’m ready for your gift. Ready to wed. Ready to become what you’re becoming. Ready for who I am to be recovered from the void, to be redeemed in you. Ready to be what you know I am, what you say I am, what you see mirrored in our love. I am here. And I am yours.

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Brian Hall

I previously wrote of self-emptying and an outward, rather than inward, focus, and I want to explore this further.  For while desire is customarily experienced from a place of lack (whether selfishly or selflessly focused), this is only half of the story.

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JournalBrian Hall

Being a Type 4 on the Enneagram, I’m prone to doing things in fits and starts, in brief bursts of creative inspiration or spontaneous adventure.  Consistency isn’t my strength, with perhaps one, rare exception:  if there’s a wrong way to do something, rest assured I’ll give it a go.  It won’t be a cursory exploration either; no, I’m usually fool enough to plunge its depths and see where it leads.  I’m all in.

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JournalBrian Hall

The unconscious mind can't be reasoned with.  Surrender can't be injected into it as a concept.  It doesn't pay to address it with persuasive or powerful arguments.  It's language isn't words, but experiences.  It learns inductively by living, drawing out general or universal applications from particular events.  If I pray to live as Jesus or Paul lived - not my, but Christ's life in me - my old life, my old, false self, must be surrendered and that surrender doesn't come easy.  That total surrender must be lived and it must be real. 

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Brian Hall