Freedom of Spirit.jpg

Father, when you look at me what do you see?  I can run from you no more than a fish can swim from the stream.  Life is a journey and the process of becoming an evolving landscape.  I've come to crave a freedom rooted in the experience of divine love, but even so my faith falters sometimes.  I believe universalism now if I believe in anything at all, even though it's a radical departure from my conservative theological heritage.  Freedom from sin and fear can come by no other means, that's clear, but it still seems so alien.

This new life in Christ is terribly unfamiliar, but on some level it commends itself to adventure.  Setting out very much alone, how could I possibly stay true to the path?  I must step out in faith and let the Spirit guide me, something I've been strongly conditioned to doubt.  Still, as I embark on this journey, I sense it may be all I have.  When I walk, the Spirit strides with me.  When I think, it reasons with me.  When I act, it works alongside me.  Whether I realize it, its unfailing presence is with me.  When I feel weak and insipid, it is there.  When I feel powerful and able, it is there.  Whether I sense it or not, it is ever-present as a catalytic force driving me forward into a whole new world of possibilities.  It is a world of change, of the dethronement of sin, and of my becoming Christ in the world.  Once this is realized, one can note with honest reflection that God's hand is in everything.  To recognize this, to see the beauty of life in all its colors and contrasts, free from the blinding effects of sin, is a truly divine point of view.