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Today it dawned on me I've given God an impossible task.  Is it divine humor that I, in my self-consuming narcissism, have become single-minded in desiring the very thing that would undo it: love, kenotic, self-emptying love that transcends self-interest, that's not self-referent or self-serving, but pure, true, and outpouring?  For all the things a narcissist might want, this seems to be the one thing he can't have.  Had I wanted practically anything else, I might've had a successful life - certainly fraught with the conventional challenges life presents, but successful.  I would've hidden my shortcomings from myself, since they would've stood in direct and obvious opposition to that success, and pressed on. 

But that's not the way it happened.  I want to love, for real, so much so I can't bring myself to seriously engage in any other productive activity.  When I do, my ego shifts into high gear, making me instantly loathe myself and everything I'm about.  So I wait on the Lord -  tentatively willing to do things as I'm able, with caution, for the right reasons - and pray there's room for me to fit through the eye of the needle. 

After reading Eckhart, it's clear I must focus all my soul's energies on the advent, the birth of Christ, or the Lord’s coming into his temple, inside me.  I must do this with intention, not that I can make him come, but that I should not miss him if he does.  It's called expectancy, and is both active and passive.  I've been entirely passive this year, and it’s been a mistake.  It's time to try something new. 

JournalBrian Hall