Unconditional Surrender.jpeg

I've unwittingly taken self-acceptance and surrender and unconsciously subverted them into two final tasks I must undertake.  To approach them as tasks is a colossal mistake and utterly missing the point.  They are not tasks: they are the cessation of tasking, the polar opposite of willfulness.  The truth can only be summed up as I give up, I concede.  I've probed the depths of my soul, faced the numerous flaws therein, and forgive my false self for failing to be what it could never be.  I'm letting go.  To embellish further is to risk falling back into the limbo of tasks and deeds.  Father, I love and trust you enough to stop trying.  I cannot realize the transformation I seek.  All I have left is to lie down at your feet and sleep in your presence.

The WordBrian Hall