Stalked by Fear.jpeg

My greatest fear in moving forward with my TM work is wondering whether it's good, safe, and will embody love once it has fully matured.  My research has definitely indicated that it can go wrong.  I wonder about the nature of my pursuit, how to gauge if I'm on the right path.  How will I know whether it's healthy?  Like all things I've experienced in this world, I suspect spiritual energy can be used for good or for ill.  In the absence of external guidance, I'm leaning heavily on my inner experience for truth.

A note about fear: it's rarely a good reason to do anything.  If my journey away from faith taught me anything, it taught me the value of fear and the equal insignificance of it.  Fear is primal and exclusively self-serving.  When overcome with fear, one does not care for others and is not capable of love.  Instead, one is compelled to save their own neck, to hell with everything else. 

As such, it's helpful when confronting real danger.  It's far less helpful when confronting the unknown, especially when it becomes irrational or, worse, neurotic.  So I mustn't be afraid to step forward with this.  Cautious, yes, but not fearful.  I believe God called me to this journey and that it will lead somewhere good.  God is good and God is love, and that is the destination.  If I seek it, I shall find.  If I knock, the door shall open.

Aquarius RisingBrian Hall