
What has become of me?  On my own time, in the stillness of solitude, I fool myself.  I hold at bay a growing awareness that I may no longer be a Christian.  When I sit at chapel, observing prayers being offered, hymns sung, and homilies delivered, I'm aware I do so as an outside observer.  It chills me to the bone, horrifies me, because there's no escaping the realization that my faith is gone. 

My emotional landscape is a mixture of revulsion and sorrow.  The vocalization of Christian faith, something I've held most dearly for so long, repels me now, and I lament that deeply.  It's taken exactly three services for me to realize there's no going back.  After the first one I went home and cried.  After the second I sat motionless for who knows how long as the pews slowly emptied.  I didn't make it through the third.