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A new day dawns, and the year of The Word begins.  I believe the eschaton I spoke of in December is close, but at this moment I’m at peace.  As I place one foot in front of the other, there are four things I must incorporate as I prepare: enter the flow of life, be watchful for synchronicity, accept my destiny, and begin to walk as God's son. 

It’s important I allow life to come to me, for it is life in God.  The time for kicking against the goads is over.  As my heart and mind begin to accept my place as his son, life will flow with purpose, coincidence will disappear, and the steps of my journey, my destiny, will all serve my Father's will.  In short, it's time to be who I am, my true self in God.

Amidst the backdrop of this positive plan of action, a more concerning impression lays dormant.  I can’t put my finger on it, but the beginning of this year eerily reminds me of the beginning of the year 2000.  There are differences, and I would be a fool to discount them, but I can't shake the feeling a new round of unanswerable questions and unavoidable schisms loom on the horizon.

The WordBrian Hall