An Irresistible Pull.jpeg

Those who claim on principle that God will never bring anything harmful or damaging against people, but attribute such things to Satan, have forgotten their Old Testament.  Jeremiah 11:11: "This is what the LORD says: 'I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape.  Although the cry out to me, I will not listen."  They have forgotten the gospels and Revelation as well.  They have forgotten that God meets us where we are.

In the days of Noah, he met them where they were.  In the days of Moses, he met them where they were.  In the days of the prophets, he met them where they were.  In the days of Jesus, he met them where they were.  He meets us where we are now and speaks to us in the language of our times, in ways that will draw us closer to him.  I do not regard God's so-called wrath or judgment as final, but as a tool of transformation.  My Father is faithful in drawing all things to himself.  It's time we realize that anything that's done even to the least and most loathsome is also done unto him.

Habakkuk 1 also speaks to me in this way.  The prophet issues his complaints, and my Father answers.  You guide us through the ages Father, always individually and sometimes collectively.  Talents are given and talents are seized.  You draw, you draw, and you bring about your plan.  Your ebb and flow of life and death, happiness and sorrow, blessings and curses, expansions and contractions draw us ever closer to you.  The one who knows you understands and stands strong.  The one who loves you stands as witness to your faithfulness.  The one unified with you surrenders to your perfection and purification of all things.  So it is, so it shall always be - in keeping with your gentle, inexorable touch.  Your reach is endless, even into the depths of my soul, and your love an unquenchable light within me.  It will not fail, and my devotion remains.

The WordBrian Hall