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I just read of the Man of God’s death in 1 Kings 13 and am left to consider whose counsel shall I heed in matters of life.  My Father speaks to me directly and through others in keeping with the vertical and horizontal nature of relationship; however, I must discern what counsel is trustworthy and defer to your direct word when it conflicts with the advice of those around me.  For even the most loving and genuine people I know still find their concerns dominated by the conventional matters and cares of the world.  You know I have a wife; you know I have children.  You will neither abandon them, nor me.  You confide in those you know and reveal your promises to those you love you.  May I always be one with you, for in you I am blessed.  In you I am free.  May I never reduce you, your love, or you message to rigid truisms.  You speak to me everywhere.

I’ve heard good jobs are hard to come by, and that's especially true in this economy.  I’ve sought integrity in an industry dominated by greed and deceit and realize a crust of integrity cannot change what it is at its core.  I can no longer carry that mantle.  There’s too much shame, too much guilt by association to carry on.  It's time for a new direction, a conclusion I’ve come to reluctantly and belatedly after years of ignoring your counsel.  So even though I walk away from finance - something my culture does not understand – I do so in accordance with your will and pray you will bless my steps.

The WordBrian Hall