Zen Dreams.jpeg

I had a dream last night.  I stood in a Zen garden, holding nine glowing batons.  A man approached me and asked to buy them from me.  I told him a transaction would not be necessary, that I would simply give them to him.  Once he departed, I sat contemplating the exchange and pondered whether I'd made the right choice. 

I knew that selling them would have been a poor choice, but wondered whether I should have kept them.  After all, I didn't even know what they were, where they came from, or whether they were even mine.  As I considered the situation, it dawned on me that was the point.  Either selling or keeping the objects would imply possession - ownership - and the truth is I do not possess anything.  Everything is God's, as everything is God, and the concept of things being mine is an illusion.  I merely steward what God has placed under my care, until such time as it has served its purpose and is then entrusted to the care of others.