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I've come face-to-face with a duality in my thinking, that of fervor vs. disengagement.  I vacillate between trying much too hard to make things happen and sitting idle waiting for progress to materialize out of thin air.  Despite my best intentions, both approaches will end in failure.  Idleness will never get me where I want to go and pressing is an arrogant, ego-based approach that assumes the change I'm seeking is within my heroic power to instantiate by determination, strategy, or sheer force of will. 

Instead, I must consciously attune myself to my Christ presence, look for the truth beyond the mere appearances confronting me at any given moment, and watch for opportunities to turn inward truth into outward behavior.  Things are not black & white or overly formalized.  Christ consciousness is not mechanical, but creative, and there is no script - only inner guidance and intuition.