The Body of Christ.jpeg

After my first non-dual experience over seven years ago, you'd think I'd understand union with God.  I shake my head in amusement - on the one hand regarding further commentary as a rehashing and on the other as something entirely new.  I suppose this is due to the limitations of language; there simply aren't more words to describe the increasingly subtle experience of it.  Additionally, I suppose the ambiguity involves the difference between knowing something with the mind and knowing it with every last part of me.  

With that in mind, I'm still wrapping myself around the knowledge God is a part of me and I of him.  We are One.  There's a place within God that is uniquely meant for me and a distinct place for everyone who's ever lived.  

And then it hit me: the body of Christ is not a metaphor.  It's real.  If I am one with God and others are one with God, I am one with them as well.  We are a family, but even more than a family - a living organism, connected with each other and parts of a larger whole.  I don't think we've scratched the surface of what this means.  Perhaps we're not yet prepared to consummate a full manifestation of this reality, but I suspect that day is coming soon.

Ex NihiloBrian Hall