A Coming Revolution.jpeg

God has been hinting to me for a very long time that my reason for being is creation.  I suppose this doesn’t come as much surprise, despite the way I’ve structured my life by normally playing it safe and defaulting to my more consistently-reliable analytical nature.

This creative impulse been evident in my spirituality since first becoming important to me in adolescence.  In my teens, my unconventional way of handling scripture impressed some and infuriated others and in graduate school led to me leaving the church altogether.  It's also evident in my work and how I choose to spend my free time.  I’ve built my career around continuous innovation, and in my free time I design branding portfolios and immerse myself in books on the leading edge of physics, cosmology, and consciousness.  My favorite quote comes from Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere.  My thirst for novelty drives me to create, discover, and push the boundaries of our understanding - to continually re-imagine what is possible and turn those possibilities into reality. 

More recently God has given me reason to believe this creative vision, now distributed through many aspects of my life, is to become acutely focused on the spiritual horizon.  Like so many things God grants, a vision of what this might mean is taking time to coalesce.  I’m incapable of discussing these mysteries with any specificity.  What I can say is God is pleased to apply these truths in layers.  Though we only discern faint rumblings, a spiritual revolution is underway.  The current environment is not all that different from what existed in Palestine immediately preceding Jesus' life.  And just as Jesus came to fulfill an old covenant, this new revelation will realize the fulfillment of the new.  It will rock our conventional assumptions and transform our understandings of what walking with God really means.

Inasmuch as I’m able, I’m willing and ready to leave a life of the familiar and step into the unknown, fully committing my future to your hands Father.  Like Enoch, I’d love to go for a walk, wherever you lead.  I’m ready to receive what you see fit to show me and divorce myself from putting you in a box.  Train me in your ways, teach me what to share.  Shine forth from me with purity and truth.  May I pray to you without ceasing.  May my life be a perpetual mediation upon you.

Ex NihiloBrian Hall