
I've been to see a psychologist, a couple times actually, and I mean to keep seeing her for a while.  I poured out my soul to her, leaving out no detail.  As she's walking me out after our second session, she says, "I never say this to clients who are two weeks removed from considering suicide, but there's nothing wrong with you."  It seemed like a strange thing to say, but it still rang true for some reason. 

I've seen a doctor as well to inquire about medication.  To help him with his assessment, I shared the events of the last year and the prolonged, acute stress I've faced.  He paused for a moment, as if pondering how or if he should proceed, and then he asked, "I don't normally ask my patients this, but are you religious?" to which I responded in the negative.  He paused again, and then added, "When you tell me what you've been through this past year, I can't help but think of the Prodigal Son.  I think God may be reaching out to you."  

I found his observation intriguing, given that I was once a Christian, a minister-in-training in fact, who had left the faith over twelve years ago.  He left the room for a moment to confer with the nurse and left me alone wondering, for the first time in a very long time, if that was exactly what God has been up to.

Ex NihiloBrian Hall