The Living Earth.jpeg

Today I heard the Earth speak on behalf of us all, and I realized the way I see the Earth, the way I hold it in my mind, changes it.  The same is true of people, of life, of destiny.  I might see myself as an isolated photon of self-interest, but the Earth does not.  We are all in this together.  How I perceive the world doesn't define it, but it does change it. 

If the world is a body of water, I am a raindrop.  The ripple effect of my imprint cascades outward, based upon my actions, which are dependent on how I regard the world, my fellow inhabitants, and even life itself. 

The world has more than its share of troubles right now.  Is it divine judgment, natural consequence, a cosmic game, a test, or the catalyst of evolution?  I don't know, but how we answer life's deep questions affects how we live.  One raindrop may fall impotently to the ground, only mildly affecting a small radius encircling it, but billions are enormously powerful.  Billions can change the landscape and affect lives. 

I heard the Earth speak today, and I’m stepping out to state that before it's all over we will realize that we love it and each other.  We will take that next step and love will fall like rain.  God only knows how we get there, how much we'll struggle in the process, and how long it will take, but good wins in the end.  Through timeless processes, we will become the good.  It has been written.  It is immutable and woven into the fabric of the universe.

HembleciyaBrian Hall