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I was so shaken by a spiritual event yesterday, I stayed home today to reflect upon it and seek God's guidance in its wake.  I sat on the back porch for a span of time, enjoying a soothing cup of coffee, the attention of my old ridgeback, Sable, and the crisp morning air's calming effect upon my lingering headache.  I decided that given my current understanding, there's nothing I could have done differently.  I also ruminated about demons for a bit, concluded they must exist, and marveled at their authority - not unlike the voice of God, certainly capable of truth when it suits them, but infused with a pervasive malice.  Not finding any real guidance on the matter, I cleared my mind and addressed God:

I have given this day to you, so I'll not direct this conversation further.  What are you working on now? 

Come and see. 


Yes, and see. 

I intuitively knew God was beckoning me to meditate on him.  I hadn't meditated since the event in March 2009 and never at the behest of God.  But he was requesting it, and I trusted him.  So I closed my eyes, focused my energy upon the crown of my head, and let go.  Immediately, the headache faded, and I felt a warm glow alight upon me.  As my attention shifted upward, this glow stretched out vertically, beyond my range of sight, and God said: Climb.  So I climbed.

As I climbed, the energy began to spread out horizontally, like a sheet, until I was standing upon a silver landscape of clouds.  A light like the sun shown in the distance upon the horizon.  The clouds began to undulate like waves, and God said: Swim.  So I swam.

As I swam, a storm rolled in.  The swells grew larger, violent, and I was afraid.  A large one broke over me, smothered me in darkness, and I feared of death.  But I was neither crushed nor drowned.  Instead, it wrapped around me and held me close in the deep quiet.  And I heard a heartbeat, and the darkness held me gently.  And God said: My son, waiting to be born.  And I was overjoyed.

Then the energy spiraled out like a whirlpool and formed a galaxy.  And at the center, a brilliant light radiated forth.  And God said:  A light in the darkness, which the darkness does not know and for which has no reply.  After a silent moment, God said: That is what I’m working on.

And with that, I began to descend whence I came, the energy carrying me back, to slowly rest on the ground.  The energy receded back above me out of view, and I opened my eyes.  God spoke again:

You are my son.  Never doubt it.  It's as true as stars shine, as rains fall, as chimes sing, as water flows.  Whenever you hear otherwise, it is not of me.  It is not of you.  Do not worry about how you fit into others' plans or expectations; do not fall victim to comparisons that corrode your insides.  Look upon me, and let your heart rejoice that you know me.  I will not let you fall.

Ex NihiloBrian Hall